PIC Projects

-William R. Provancher
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PIC Programs



PIC Tutorials

Nigel Goodwin PIC Tutorials
   WinPicProgrammer Page

WinPicProg PIC Tutorials

   Hardware required for these tutorials  (Programmer:  Dontronics, see WinPicProgrammer Page for PCBs   )
   Hardware extras

   PIC Tutorial Zero - Programming
   PIC Tutorial One - LED's
   PIC Tutorial Two - Switches
   PIC Tutorial Three - LCD Modules
   PIC Tutorial Four - Joysticks
   PIC Tutorial Five -  Infrared Communications
   PIC Tutorial Six - I2C EEPROM Programming
   PIC Tutorial Seven - RS232
   PIC Tutorial Eight - Using the PWM hardware
   PIC Tutorial Nine - HEX Keypad
   PIC Tutorial Ten - 7 Segment LED's
   PIC Tutorial Eleven - Analogue Inputs

PIC ref manual
(currently down as of Sept 2004)


explanation of CBlock vs other memory allocation (also see MPASM user guide)
allocating RAM and Determining Un-used RAM

pic logarithm algorithm
& other algorithms  (e.g., sin, arcsine, sqrt, arctan, PWM, BCD(binary to decimal)  switch debouncing, cyclic redundancy codes (CRCs), ...)

Fast Integer Square Root

CRC Generating and Checking

Tone Generation Code from Microchip (App Note 543)

Melody Player

Implementation of Fast Fourier Transforms
Reading and Using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
Implementing FIR and IIR Digital Filters Using PIC18 Microcontrollers
Digital Signal Processing with the PIC16C74

Smart Switch for Automotive Applications and More  (e.g., turns itself off after some time)

Implementing IIR Digital Filters  (low pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-stop (notch) filters)  (App note 540C)

16F28A interfacing to DS1621 -- Digital Thermometer and Thermostat  (I2C source from  phanderson.com)  
Measuring Temperature Using the Watchdog Timer (WDT)
Interfacing the TC77 Thermal Sensor to a PICmicro Microcontroller
Temperature Sensing Technologies

Measure Tilt Using PIC16F84A & ADXL202   (writes to an LCD)

Motors and Control

Implementing a PID Controller Using a PIC18 MCU

Motor Control Sensor Feedback Circuits

Servo Control of a DC-Brush Motor
C18CXXX/PIC16CXXX DC Servomotor

Brushless DC Motor Control Made Easy
Brushless DC Motor Control Using PIC18FXX31 MCUs
Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor Fundamentals

Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor Using PIC18 Microcontrollers
AC Induction Motor Fundamentals

Air Flow Control Using Fuzzy Logic

Debouncing 8 Buttons in 7 Clock Cycles
Electronic Key, Button Dimmer and Potentiometer Dimmer Controller         (here's another Electromechanical Switch Replacement App Note)
Time Delay Relay Family  (Electromechanical Timer Replacement)

Digital Potentiometer
Interfacing Microchip’s MCP41XXX and MCP42XXX Digital Potentiometers to a PICmicro® Microcontroller
Optimizing the Digital Potentiometer in Precision Circuits
Using Digital Potentiometers to Design Low Pass Adjustable Filters

Ratiometric Sensing Using the PIC16C774

Light Meter  -  Sensor Interface (uses TSL220 from Texas Instruments is an integrated light-to-frequency converter.)

Bright Idea Light Timer, Junior (Lamp Timer Project)

Interfacing a PS-2 Keyboard with a PIC16F877A
  (Microsoft Keyboard Scancodes)


Software Implementation of I^2 C Bus Master

16-Core user group (PIC17Cxx, PIC18Fxxx ) (Microchip.com)

KEELOQ® Manchester Encoding Receive Routines
Serial Communications 
Serial Port Utilities  
Software Implementation of Asynchronous Serial I/O
RS-232 Autobaud for the PIC16C5X Devices

Using the MCP2120 for Infrared Communications
   Link to MCP2120 on Microchip's site

Math Utility Routines
Floating Point Routines

In-Circuit Serial Programming of Calibration Parameters Using a PICmicro® Microcontroller

MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger User's Guide

Microchip Application Notes  
Application Maestro™ Software

Using Macros with the PIC Microcontroller

Communications PIC Projects



Good for buying:

dsPIC Projects


Using the dsPIC30F for Sensorless BLDC (Brushless DC) Control

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