Step 4 - Defining the Analysis
Pro/MECHANICA can perform a variety of analyses that cover a wide range
of engineering problems. In our case we are interested in the stress
levels that result from an imposed displacement. This type of analysis
is covered by the static analysis definition.
We also need to think about the convergence method of this analysis. Pro/MECHANICA
is a p-type FEA software which increases the polynomial order of the equations
that are used to describe the nodal displacements in order to improve on the
quality of the result. The default setting when defining an analysis is set
to Single-Pass Adaptive, which means it will run the analysis once using 7th
order polynomial equations. While this is a fast way of doing it, running a
FEA like this is not really advisable because the user receives no information
about the convergence of the analysis and with it hints as to how good the result
actually is. I generally recommend using a Multi-Pass Adaptive method whereby
Pro/MECHANICA starts with 1st order equations and then increases the order after
each pass until the result converges to within an acceptable level.
Should MECHANICA require a very high polynomial order (the 9th order
is the maximum) or not converge at all, then a finer mesh using smaller
elements will be required. This is done by changing the default setting
in Setting -> AGEM Settings. The default size is shown below.
Increasing the minimum angle and decreasing the maximum allowable angles together
with decreasing the maximum aspect ratio will force MECHANICA to use smaller
elements. The following settings I have found to work well in most cases.