Step 2 - Definition of Design Parameters and Relations
After the creation of the Pro/E model, identify dimensions that are crucial
to the functionality of the designed part, then create design parameters and
associate them with these dimensions. In our example, the key dimension for
the flexure is center thickness of the tapered beam.
Defining a Design Parameter
Within Pro/ENGINEER create parameters for all dimensions that will
be varied during the design optimization. The steps are Relations
-> Add Param -> Real Number, then give the parameter a meaningful
name and assign a value to it. In the previous step it is also possible
to assign an integer instead of a real number, however, this is only
practical if all values for the parameter are exclusively integers.
In our case I call the parameter center_thickness.
Creating a Relation
Next, the dimension of the beam needs to be associated with the above
created parameter. Clicking on the beam will show all available dimensions
and display them using Pro/E's internal numbering system (d0, d1,
d2, etc.). Find the dimension number that determines the center
thickness of the beam (here: d2) hit Add and use the
input box to key in the relation (here: d2=center_thickness).
Tip: To close the input box hit Enter when the input box is empty