LAB Announcements
Arash Nemati Hayati

Hometown: Tehran, Iran
Undergraduate: K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran
Program: PhD (Graduated 2018)
Current Position: Advanced Analytics Team Lead at Boston Children's Hospital
Research Interests: Atmospheric and Oceanic flows - Urban Flow Modeling - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Biomechanics and Sports Engineering - Turbomachinary - Two-phase and Free-surface flows.
Hayati, A.N., Hashemi, S.M., and Shams, M., 2012. A study on the effect of the rake angle on the performance of marine propellers. Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech Eng Sci 226(4), 940-955 (Cited by 2).Hayati, A.N., Hashemi, S.M., and Shams, M., 2013. A study on the behind-hull performance of marine propellers astern autonomous underwater vehicles at diverse angles of attack. Ocean Eng 59, 152–163 (Cited by 2).Hayati, A.N., Hashemi, S.M., and Shams, M., 2013. Design and analysis of bubble-injected water ramjets with discrete injection configurations by computational fluid dynamics method. Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech Eng Sci 227(9), 1945-1955.Hayati A N., Ghaffari, H., and Shams, M., 2013. Computational fluid flow simulation for swimming at free surface level. Under Review.Contact:
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Environmental Fluid Dynamics Lab
Understanding Flows in the World Around Us
The work done at the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at
the University of Utah attempts to further the understanding of
transport phoenomena in the natural world. To this end, the laboratory
employs a variety of state of the art scientific investigation
techniques including: large scale field measurements (both Urban and
Natural Environment), numerical modeling and simulation, and laboratory scale measurements.
The laboratory is situated in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah in the
foothills of the Wasatch mountains.
Research Interests