Our lab is always interested in recruiting talented individuals. Strong analytical skills, a creative mind, and a passion for robotic systems are required. PhD, MS, and undergrads are invited to apply. Note, however, that current projects are already fully staffed and funded positions are thus very limited. Following are a number of avenues that prospective students should consider as alternatives for obtaining funding and establishing research activities with the lab.
Contact Dr. Minor at mark.minor at utah.edu for further information.
Graduate Student Funding Opportunities
Following is a brief list of funding opportunities available to domestic students. Additional information can be found on the ME department webpage under Graduate Student Financial Info.
Biocentric Robotics IGERT: This opportunity typically provides funding for two years of support for PhD students with an interest in bio-inspired robotics. Participation is limited to domestic students. Students apply to either ME or CS and submit a statement of purpose to the IGERT program. Please contact Dr. Minor if you are interested. This is a great way to get your degree for free and get paid for it!
Wanyne Brown, Campbell Fellowships, and more: This link will take you to the ME deparment financial opportunies page. Two favorites are the Wayne Brown Fellowhsip and Cambell Fellowship opportunities These are College of Engineering fellowships that provide one year of support to recruit domestic PhD students. Students apply to either ME or CS (or any other college of engineering department) and are selected from top applicants.
Graduate Fellowships through NSF, ONR, DOD, DOE, etc. These are competitive opportunities for domestic students to support themselves for the first few years of their graduate studies. Find out more by searching for "graduate fellowships" and the name of the agency from your favoriate search engine. Contact Dr. Minor if you need a letter of support, etc.
Departmental TA positions: These are modest opportunities for both domestic and international students to gain financial support and begin working with faculty members. It is probably the best gateway for foreign students to obtain support by funded projects. Students should follow this link and complete an online application if interested.
Undergraduate Student Funding Opportunities
UROP: I strongly encourage you to apply to the UROP program through the office of Undergraduate Studies. This provides a modest level of support while also providing research experience. Awards are typically for spring semester and can be renewed for following semesters.
Work Study: If you qualify for financial aid and have been awarded work study, we may be able to hire you. Contact Dr. Minor.
NSF REU: NSF projects can support undergraduates associated with current projects via the Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) program. Opportunities are limited and timing is critical. Contact Dr. Minor for further information.